Boron Carbide Powder

Boron Carbide Powder is a high performance abrasive material, with physical properties similar to Diamonds, including chemical resistance and hardness.  It ranks third after Diamonds and Cubic Boron Nitride.  It is one of the most versatile materials, and is considered the best material for numerous industrial applications.

Boron Carbide Key Properties:

Boron Carbide is characterized by its:

  • Good nuclear properties:  Ability to absorb neutrons
  • Extreme hardness
  • Good chemical and corrosion resistance
  • Low density

Typical Applications:

  • Nuclear:  Boron Carbide’s ability to absorb neutrons without forming long lived radio-nuclides make the material important as an absorbent for neutron radiation arising in nuclear power plants.
  • Nuclear: As an additive to concrete and other materials for Nuclear Radiation Shielding.
  • Abrasives: Due to its high hardness, Boron Carbide powder is used as an abrasive in polishing and lapping applications, and also as a loose abrasive in cutting applications such as water jet cutting.  It can also be used for dressing diamond tools.
  • Ceramics:  Hot Pressing and Sintering of Hard, Super Light Weight and High Performance       Abrasive Resistant Ceramic Parts.
  • Nozzles:  The extreme hardness of Boron Carbide (B4C) gives it excellent wear and abrasion resistance.  Boron Carbide Nozzles are used when blasting with Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, Steel shot or other hard abrasive, and it is also used for Slurry Pumping, and Water Jet pumping.
  • High Purity Boron Carbide:  Wear parts such as wire-drawing dies, powdered metal and ceramic forming dies, and thread guides.
  • Military Armor Applications:  Boron Carbide together with other materials, is used in Ballistic Armor, including body and personal armor.
  • Boron Carbide also used for:  Semiconductors, Tool and Dye Fabrication, Wide Range of Electric Properties; as a super abrasive, including Grinding Wheels, Abrasive Saw Blades, a component of Metal Matrix; Hot Pressing; Steel modification component, additive to concrete for Nuclear Radiation Shielding.

Additional Typical Applications:

  • Grinding, lapping and polishing tungsten carbide and other hard materials such as different types of ceramics, minerals, glasses, etc.
  • Hot pressing and sintering of the hard and abrasion resistant parts with super light weight.
  • Ceramic armor
  • Refractory
  • Solid rocket fuel
  • Metallurgical refractory with high corrosion and oxygen resistance.
  • Neutron absorbing materials for nuclear technology.
  • Additive for sintering silicon carbide parts and diamond tools.
  • Steel modification component with high boron content.
  • Boronizing

Typical Technical Data

●Appearance (dry state):



●Chemical composition: Chemical formula: B4C Application
(Abrasive) (Ceramic) (Refractory) (Nuclear)
B + C min. 98 99 94 98
B (Boron) min. 76 77 75 76
C (Carbon) max. 23 22.5 24 24
B² O ³ 0.5 0.1 1 0.1
FE (Iron) max. 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1
Si (Silicon) 0.01 0.3 0.01
N (Nitrogen) 0.01 0.5 0.5
Isotope B10 (atomic weight) 19.5-21.5%
● Physical data: Knoop hardness (0.1) 3000
  Mohs hardness <9.5 Note: Diamond’s Mohs hardness is 10
  Specific gravity: 2.51
  Melting point: 2723 ͦ F
  Structure: Monocrystalline